This is a bootstrap site, Agency Theme. It is free and available under MIT common use regulations. Follow those rules, because that basically says, yeah go ahead. Take it, use it, profit from it. Do your thing Bro!. I wouldn't post a picture of myself or my office staff on the internet with any expectation of privacy, but don't be creepy. Don't represent yourself as me, or represent a picture of me or my staff as you or a member of your staff. That falls under creepy. While I am not Liam Neeson, I am a woman with a particular set of skills, like research. Seriously, don't be creepy. I will find you and hold you accountable. These terms and conditions are governed by the laws of the United States of America and the laws of the State of Washington. Yep, the already written laws apply. We are still at a point in history where we have to explicitly tell people that the law applies to them, so that's 1 point for humanity... I maintain ownership of my written and published work. Don't represent my work as yours, or use it out of context. If you have questions, e-mail me, seriously. I actually built a form into the site to make it easy to reach out. Why would I do that if I wasn't interested in how my research might be used? Also, follow the rules. You can get away with anything in academia if you cite your sources. Why steal when you can just cite and say I agree!? Plagerism is a dumb reason to get kicked out of school. It's actually easier to do the work than steal and cover your tracks.